About us
AM3 Spin-off, formerly spin-off of the University of Florence, founded in July 2013 after the scouting and the training course offered by the University.
AM3 Spin-off’s team is a group of researchers of the Maritime Engineering Laboratory LABIMA, which has thirty years of experience in this field.
AM3 Spin-off‘s mission is the technology transfer of the results of our researches in physical modelling and numerical modelling. AM3 Spin-off offers exclusive consulting services, helping the customer in the design and management of maritime structures or devices, ensuring the greatest cost-effectiveness.
AM3 Spin-off addresses mainly to: design companies of maritime infrastuctures, port authorities, tourist harbours, basin and local authorities, developers of WECs, certification body and research organizations. Our services are personalized and relized by exclusive and professional relations. See our portfolio.

Physical model is performed reproducing at small-scale portions of the coast, maritime structures or devices, in order to study their interaction with the wave motion. The experimental approach leads to a reliable assessment of the structural performance, avoiding economic, social and environmental damages due to design mistakes. Possible applications:
Evaluation of overtopping behind seawalls;
Verification of the stability of the armour layer of seawalls and breakwaters in general;
Estimation of transmission and reflection coefficients;
Measurement of piling-up;
Measurement of impact forces and pressures acting on wave walls, caissons and maritime engineering works in general;
Morphodynamics of sandy, gravel and mixed beaches;
Estimation of the efficiency of devices for converting sea energy.

Numerical simulation, when calbrated and validated by physical model resulsts, allows to evaluate a wide range of design alternatives of maritime structures or devices. The combined and synergic approach of numerical and physical modelling leads to further optimization of the structure design and to a maximization of the performance. The AM3 team is able to use numerical modeling codes from the world of commercial, open-source and proprietary waters. Possible applications include:
Study of wave motion, offshore to nearshore propagation;
Study of currents and coastal solid transport;
Storm surge reconstruction;
Interaction of coastal works with wave motion, currents and coastal dynamics;
Morphodynamic simulations, evolution of the shoreline and the coastal profile;
Water quality;
Aquaculture plants.

On-site monitoring of wave motion, currents, marine biocenosis and maritime structures or devices, is carried out basing on advanced methodologies and instruments. Monitoring data give useful information and lead to careful defininition of ante-operam design actions, supportong the evaluation of post-operam design performance.

AM3 Spin-off’s team performs hincasting and forecasting of the wave climate off the Mediterranean basin, by means of the analysis of data recorded at wave buoys and obtained by suitable numerical models. This approach allows to provide a useful data base for high-resolution models, forecasting the coastal dynamics.

Research & Development
AM3 Spin-off is involved in several research and development projects. Since we strongly believe in innovation, our R&D department is constantly working to deveop ideas and solutions, aimed at creating value throught the realization of devices and software supporting advanced services.
GENOMA Wavemaker
In 2014, AM3 Spin-off won the call for the Regional Operational Program POR CReO FESR Toscana 2014-2020, with the GENOMA’s project (GENeratori di Onde MArine).
Co-financed under Tuscany POR CReO FESR Toscana 2014-2020 Bando 2. Progetti di ricerca e sviluppo delle PMI.
Wavemaker implementation and development of a small-scale prototype of Oscillating Water Column wave energy converter (WEC-OWC), by experimental optimization.
The AM3 team develops wave motion generation systems for research infrastructures customized to the customer’s needs. The wavemakers are designed in all their parts, mechanical, electrical and control, using the best actuation, hardware and software technologies available on the market. The assembly and installation phases on site are followed by training in the use of the machine for the personnel responsible for its use.
Coastal Engineering Laboratory (LIC) – POLIBA Characteristics:
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Maritime Engineering Laboratory (LABIMA) – UNIFI – WCF2 Characteristics:
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CNR – ISPRA Characteristics:
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Maritime Engineering Laboratory (LABIMA) – UNIFI – WCF3 Characteristics:
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AM3 Spin-off s.r.l.
Via Madonna del Piano, 6
50019 – Sesto F.no (FI)
P.IVA 06375900484 REA – FI 623251
tel. +390554574620/+390552758822
mail: info@am3spinoff.com
pec: am3.unifi.spinoff@pec.it